Discover, rate, and share specialty coffee with Kava

Kava is the app that helps you find great specialty coffee, wherever you travel

Ratings you can trust

Ratings only come from the Kava community of coffee lovers.

Find places to work

Is that café laptop-friendly or not? Kava knows.

Hungry? Need fresh air?

Explore food offerings, availability of a terrace, accessibility, child-friendliness, and more.

Share ratings, images and comments with your followers

Rate coffees wherever you go

Collect badges for each country you visit and watch your coffee count climb.

Share beautiful pictures

Showcase your favorite spots by adding photos to your coffee ratings.

Like and comment on friends' coffees

Keep up with your coffee-drinking friends around the world.

Kava is different.

No algorithm

We don't mess around with your feed to manipulate you. If you follow someone, you'll see their posts. Simple.

Tiny company

Kava is not a VC backed monster with plans for world domination. It's just me, a coffee-loving traveler with a mission.

Minimalist app

Kava is clean, simple and minimalist — and always will be.